The ACT Laser Device for Phlebology

Treatment of varicose vein disease using the ACT 1470 laser is the cutting-edge, most  effective and less traumatic method.

The possibilities of laser technology allow the patient to get better results than with surgery, without need for hospitalization or anaesthesia and without pain.

Indications for use:

Percutaneous laser obliteration (hardening):

  • vascular dysplasia (cavernous haemangioma, venous and arteriovenous dysplasia, mixed lymphangioma)
  • haemangioma (capillary, cavernous)
  • telangiectasia on the face, legs
  • lip angioma
  • senile haemangioma

Treatment of deep-seated or extensive vascular neoplasms:

  • vascular dysplasia
  • venous and arteriovenous dysplasia
  • mixed lymphangioma
  • cavernous haemangioma

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The essence of endovasal laser coagulation (EVLC) consists in thermal damage to the vein by 1470 nm wavelength laser radiation, which leads to the process of closing the lumen of the pathological vein with its subsequent degeneration into the connective tissue. The operation results in cutting off the vein from the pathological blood flow and eliminating the pathological reflux. During the operation, a specially designed fibre instrument (radial fibre instrument) is used, which allows processing a larger portion of the venous wall.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that our proposed method for the treatment of varicose vein disease has a number of advantages over the existing methods, such as phlebectomy and radiofrequency ablation:

  • high efficiency of the method (complete elimination of varicose veins is observed in 98% of patients);
  • excellent cosmetic result (only a small puncture for the introduction of light guide instrument);
  • completely ambulatory care (the operation is performed in less than 40 minutes);
  • no disability;
  • no pain after the treatment.

Used devices

Used in areas: Proctology, Phlebology
Used in areas: Gynecology, Dermatology, Urology, General surgery, Proctology, Phlebology, Otolaryngology
If you have any questions call us +7 (812) 209-35-13